890 Rockwall pkwy, suite 100
Rockwall, TX 75032
Tel: 214-306-4456
Fax: 214-306-4457

Well Checks and Immunizations

The best care
From your baby's long-awaited arrival until those first days of school, you'll be visiting the doctor regularly to make sure that your child is healthy and developing well. These check-ups are essential to ensure appropriate physical and mental development, and to provide vaccinations to prevent serious bacterial and viral illnesses. We are happy to discuss vaccines with you during your visit, and answer any questions you may have.
It is also our pleasure to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your baby at these visits (or any time you call or come in!). It can be tough to remember everything you want to discuss with the doctor and everything the doctor tells you. These sheets give you a sense of what to expect at each visit and help you keep track of the guidance your doctor provides. Feel free to print them out and bring them with you!